Cessna 172s V Speeds


Cessna 172s V Speeds

V Speeds of Cessna 172s

The Cessna 172 is a popular single-engine, four-seat aircraft that has been in production since 1956. It is used for a variety of purposes, including recreation, business, and flight training. When flying a Cessna 172, it is important to understand the meaning of the different V-speeds, which are the aircraft's performance and operational limits.


V1 is the speed at which the pilot must make a go or no-go decision after an engine failure. If the pilot decides to continue the takeoff, they must continue the takeoff at V1 or greater.


V2 is the takeoff safety speed. This is the speed that must be attained at the 35-foot point, or the point at which the aircraft is able to climb safely at a single engine if an engine failure were to occur.


Vx is the best angle of climb speed. This is the speed that gives the aircraft the best rate of climb at a given altitude.


Vy is the best rate of climb speed. This is the speed that gives the aircraft the best rate of climb at a given altitude.


Vfe is the maximum flap extended speed. This is the maximum speed at which the flaps can be extended without the risk of damaging the aircraft.


Vno is the maximum structural cruising speed. This is the speed at which the aircraft can safely be operated without the risk of exceeding its design limits.


Vne is the never exceed speed. This is the speed at which the aircraft should never be operated, as it could result in structural damage.
Vg is the best glide speed. This is the speed that gives the aircraft the best glide ratio, or the greatest distance traveled for a given altitude loss.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. perbedaan pesawat cessna dengan pesawat jupiter

 PESAWAT CESSNA : pesawat sayap tinggi (high wing) empat penumpang dengan performa tinggi, mesin tunggal dan ringan. 

maaf ngak tau yang pesawat jupiter...

2. sebutkan jenis konfigurasi engine yang digunakan pesawat cessna 172​


Pesawat terbang jenis Cessna 172 merupakan suatu jenis pesawat terbang yang digunakan sebagai sarana pembelajaran bagi penerbang pemula. Setiap jenis pesawatterbang memerlukan perawatan maupun perbaikan-perbaikan komponen permesinan.



Sebutkan jenis konfigurasi engine yang digunakan pesawat cessna 172

=> digunakan sebagai kendaraan untuk pembelajaran bagi pemula yang akan mau mengendarai.

3. A tropical storm happens when storm wind speeds reach

ini mau diartikan yah?

4. when aircraft travels at subsonic speeds the sound that it generates extended in all directions

itu ternasuk teks fakta/ exposition text

5. when an aircraft travels at subsonic speeds the sound that it generates extanded in all directions

ketika sebuah pesawat perjalanan di subsonic kecepatan suara yang membangkitkan extanded ke segala arah

6. 38. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?A Tropical depression is caused by wind speeds of 38 miles.B. The low pressure system are fed by energy from warm seas.C. The wind speeds can charge a hurricane into a tropical storm. D. The surface temperature and wind speeds can cause a hurricane.39. Ifa storm achieves wind speeds of 74 miles an hour, it becomes a ...A. hurricaneB tropical stormC. tropical depressionD. low pressure system40.A tropical storm happens when storm's wind speeds reach ... miles an hour. A. 39B. 61C. 74 D. 160​


Teks nya mana dek? Untuk pertanyaan ini, kamu harus menyertakan teks nya supaya bisa dijawab.

7. seorang anak berangkat ke sekolah menggunakan speeds motor Dengan kecepatan 4m/s. Jika ia Sampai ke sekolah pada pukul 07. 05 Dan jarak dari rumah ke sekolah 6 km maka pukul berapakah anak tersebut berangkat dari rumah ​




Waktu = Jarak : Kecepatan

6 km : 4 m/s

6000 m : 4 m/s

1500 s (Karena meternya sudah disilangkan)

1500 : 60

25 menit

07.05 - 25 = 06.40

Jadi, anak tersebut berangkat dari rumah pada pukul 06.40




lama perjalanan

=6 km : 4m/s

=6000m × s/4m

=1500 second

=25 menit

jadi dia sampai sekolah pukul

=07.05 + 25 menit


8. Cermatilah Berita Berikut Ini! Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Udara (TNI AU) Menunjukkan Taringnya. Tugas Menjaga Kedaulatan Udara di Indonesia. Membuat TNI AU Tidak Pandang Bulu Mengambil Langkah datang, TNI AU Yang Terdiri Atas Sebuah Sukhoi 27 dan Sukhoi 30 Milik Skadron Udara 11 Lanud Hasanudin, Berhasil Memaksa Mendarat Pesawat Cessna 208 Milik Amerika Serikat Yang Melanggar Wilayah Udara Nasional Indonesia. Sebelum dipaksa Mendarat, Pesawat Cessna Sudah di Deteksi Jaringan Radar Udara Kohanudnas. oleh Karena Pesawat Asing Tidak Tercatat dalam Rencana Penerbangan Flight Clearence Information System (FCIS) Maka di Kategorikan Sebagai Penerbangan Gelap (Black Flight). Identifikasikanlah Unsur Negara yang dibela Dalam Informasi Tersebut!

unsur wilayah (daerah kekuasaan)

9. If I add more light bulbs to a series circuit what happens? *The current speeds up and the lights get brighterThe current slows down and the lights dim lowerThe current speeds up and the lights dim lowerThe current slows down and the lights get brighter​


Number 4 is wire (C)

The current slows down and the lights dim lower


Semoga membantu :)

10. a tornado can travel a cross the ground at high speeds, tensesnya apa?​


simple present kalau ga salah

11. _____ greyhound, can achieve speeds up to thirty-six miles per hour.

Mr or Mister

Karena greyhound itu seperti nama laki laki

12. China debuts train prototype that can hit speeds of 620 kilometer per hour


China meluncurkan prototipe kereta api yang dapat mencapai kecepatan 620 kilometer per jam.

13. Town X and Town Y were 980 km apart. At 8 a.m., Kay travelled from town x to town y while join jolin travelled from town y to town x. Both of them did not change their speeds throughout their journeys. Jolin's speeds was 75 km/h. find the distance kay travelled when they met at 3 p.m.

Kota x dan kota y jaraknya 980 km. Pada pukul 08.00 Kay berangkat dari kota x ke kota y, sedangkan jolin berangkat dari kota y ke kota x. Keduanya tidak mengubah kecepatan selama perjalanan. Kecepatan jolin adalah 75 km/jam. Berapakah jarak yang telah ditempuh kay ketika mereka bertemu pukul 15.00?


waktu yg ditempuh jolin sampai berpapasan dengan kay = 15.00 - 8.00 =  7 jam

jarak yang ditempuh jolin = waktu × kecepatan

jarak yang ditempuh jolin = 7 jam ×75 km/jam

jarak yang ditempuh jolin = 525 km

jarak yang ditempuh kay = jarak kota x ke kota y  - jarak yang ditempuh jolin

jarak yang ditempuh kay = 980 km - 525 km

jarak yang ditempuh kay = 455 km

Jadi, jarak yang telah ditempuh kay ketika mereka bertemu pukul 15.00 adalah 455 km

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Soal lainnya tentang waktu, jarak dan kecepatan dapat dipelajari di link :

https://brainly.co.id/tugas/15254173https://brainly.co.id/tugas/14296679https://brainly.co.id/tugas/13978609Detil jawaban

Kelas :  5

Mapel : Matematika

Bab :  Pengukuran Waktu, sudut, Jarak, dan Kecepatan

Kode :  5.2.2

Kata kunci :  waktu, jarak, kecepatan

14. you - top speeds - that - run -70 km/h - the African ostrich- know - can - exceeding - did -with - ?Tolong urutkan menjadi sebuah kalimat​

Jawaban:did you know that the African ostrich can run top speed 70 km/hu


15. A tropical storm happens when storm's wind speeds reach....miles an hour A.39 B.61 C.74 D.160

C. 74

Maaf kalo salah.




16. 5. We can see the light from an airplane high in the sky at night before we hear the plane because .... a. Light travels are faster than sound b. Airplanes travel at high speed Our eyes work better than our ears at night d. Airplanes travel at low speeds e. airplanes travel at medium speeds​


E. Airplanes travel at medium speeds

Maaf kalo salah


a. light travels are faster than sound

17. soal: A tropical depression becomes a tropical storm, when its sustained wind speeds top 39 miles (63 kilometer) an hour. a A tropical storm is become by a tropical depression, when its sustained wind speeds top 39 miles (63 kilometer) an hour. b. A tropical storm become a tropical storm, when its sustained wind speeds top 39 miles (63 kilometer) an hour. c. A tropical storm became by a tropical depression, when its sustained wind speeds top 39 miles (63 kilometer) an hour. d. A tropical storm was become by a tropical depression, when its sustained wind speeds top 39 miles (63 kilometer) an hour.


d. A tropical storm was become by a tropical depression, when its sustained wind speeds top 39 miles (63 kilometer) an hour

18. 2. a tortoise can reach speeds of 0.12m/s. work out the speed of a tortoise in kilometer per hour (km/h)​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

m/s -> km/h = 0,12 x 3.600 : 1.000 = 432 : 1.000 = 0,432km/h

19. 22."....and holdsteady speeds of...."The underlined word is closest in meaning to...StableC. slowa.b. Fastd. stron​


dan menahan kecepatan tetap .... "

B. Fast


Speeds artinya KECEPATAN.

Fast berarti CEPAT.

jadi, maksud dari kata Speeds adalah Fast.


semoga membantu.

mapel : Bahasa Inggris

tingkat : Sekolah Dasar

20. China debuts train prototype that can hit speeds of 620 kilometer per hour tolong bantu yah..please

From me :

hai sheelewibu! disini aku bakal bahas soal pertanyaan kamu, jadi tolong jadikan jawaban terbaik yaa? hehe

Answers :

1) the purpose of the text is :

To tell people about China's newest train prototype that can hit speeds of 620 kilometers/hour

2) the text tells us about :

China's high-speed maglev train prototype

3) when peoples are reading the text, the expected reactions are :

Stunned and amazed

4)some tense that mostly used in the text :

China, Maglev train, prototype, etc

5)penjelasan :( kalau jawaban nya agak panjang bisa di ringkas sendiri yaa☺️✌️)

In english writing, quotation marks or inverted commas, also known informally as quotes, talking marks, speech marks, are punctuation marks placed on either side of a word or phrase in order to identify it as a quotation, direct speech, or a literal title or name.

In this case of text, we will find a direct speech sentence, written between quotation marks in the 5th paragraph

jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik yaa!

terimakasih! semangat belajar!

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