Death Was Arrested Chords


Death Was Arrested Chords

Introduction to Death Was Arrested Chords

Chord Progression and Structure

Death Was Arrested is a song by North Point InsideOut featuring Seth Condrey, and is based around a simple four-chord progression. The progression is as follows: G-C-D-Em. This progression is repeated throughout the song, with some slight variations and embellishments, making it easy to learn.

Chord Voicings

The primary chord voicings used in Death Was Arrested are open chords, which are some of the most basic and commonly used chords. These chords are especially effective when strumming the song. However, there are also some variations of these chords, as well as some more advanced voicings that can be used to add texture and interest to the song.

Key Modulations

One of the most interesting aspects of Death Was Arrested is the key modulations that occur throughout the song. These modulations add a sense of tension and excitement to the song, and help to make it more engaging. By understanding the key modulations and how they work, you can add even more depth and complexity to your performance of the song.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Why was mohammad hatta arrested?


because of his political activities that considered dangerous by the Dutch police and intelligence


On September 24, 1927 Mohammad Hatta was arrested by the Dutch for being accused of being a member of a banned organization and inciting people to oppose the Dutch government.

I hope this helps;)

2. Apakah Cadence sama dengan Chords mapping?




Ma'af kalu salah




3. Why was Phintias sentenced to death?

Mengapa Phintias dihukum mati?

4. 8. A number of people...because of following a demonstration in the serbian capital,Belgrade.A. was arrested B. have arrestedC. arrestedD. were arrestedE. arresting materinya ttg prepositional phrase buat besok 2 lagi ​


B. have arrested


A number of people havearrestedbecause of following a demonstration in the Serbian capital, Belgrade.

Sejumlah orang telahditangkapkarena mengikuti demonstrasi di ibu kota Serbia, Belgrade.

5. kalau gitar chords/kunci, kalo biola ? makasih

Sepertinya sama disebut kord/akord
Sama saja, chord juga sebutannya setau saya

6. chords lagu untuk pemula gitar​




karena lagu balonku memiliki bait yang pendek

7. He was sad since his mother death(?)​


Artinya Adlaah :Dia Sedih Sejak kematian Ibunya :)

Semoga membntu

8. Steve was shocked by the sudden death of his friend​


Jika diartikan dalam bhs Indonesia adalah:

Steve dikejutkan oleh kematian mendadak temannya

9. Ilmu mengkobinasikan nada-nada ke dalam chords disebut




karena Harmoni atau ilmu harmoni dapat diartikan sebagai ilmu untuk menyusun dan menyambung akor-akor

10. Jawabanya yg mna ya mohon di bantu The the police. a.have arrested b.have been arrested c.was arrested d.had arrested


c.was arrested


Karena itu merupakan passive voice bentuk past tense

Yang artinya pencuri telah ditangkap oleh polisi

11. The Man Who was arrested in belarus on May 31 is being

Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat yang disusun dengan menggunakan pola kalimat yang menggunakan  bentuk passive. Hal ini terlihat dari penggunaan tobe+V3. The Man who was arrested in Belarus on May 31st is being executed.  Artinya: Lelaki yang ditangkap di Belarus pada tanggal 31 Mei sedang di eksekusi. kalimat ini terdiri dari dua tense, yaitu past tense dan present continuous  tense.  



Kalimat aktif adalah kalimat yang subjeknya melakukan aksi, semntara kalimat pasif adalah kalimat dimana subjeknya tidak melakukan aksi tetapi menerima aksi. Ciri khas dari kalimat passive adalah TOBE+V3(Past Participle). Syarat-syarat perubahan kalimat aktive ke kalimat pasif adalah:

Subjek pada kalimat aktif berubah menjadi objeck pada kalimat pasif. Sebaliknya, objek pada kalimat aktif berubah menjadi subjek pada kalimat pasif. Selalu dibentuk dengan menggunakan pola TOBE+ VERB 3 (Past particile). Tobe yang digunakan sesuai dengan pola tenses dari kalimat aktif.Terkadang menggunakan kata by jika yang melakukan aksi/perbuatan pada kalimat aktif perlu dan sangat penting untuk diketahui.

Passive Voice pada 16 Tenses

1. Simple Present Tense

Aktif : S + do/does + V1

Pasif : S + to be (am, are, is) + V3 + by + O

2.Present Continuous Tense

Aktif : S + to be (am, are, is) + V1-ing + O

Pasif : S + to be (am, are, is) + being + V3 + by + O

3. Present Perfect Tense

Aktif : S + have/has + V3 + O

Pasif : S + have/has + been + V3 + by + O

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Aktif : S + have/has + been + V1-ing + O

Pasif : S + have/has + been + being + V3 + by + O

5. Simple Past Tense

Aktif : S + V2 + O

Pasif : S + to be (was, were) + V3 + by + O

6. Past Continuous Tense

Aktif : S + to be (was, were) + V1-ing + O

Pasif : S + to be (was, were) + being + V3 + by + O

7. Past Perfect Tense

Aktif : S + had not + V3 + O

Pasif : S + had + been + V3 + by + O

8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Aktif : S + had + been + V1-ing + O

Pasif : S + had + been + being + V3 + by + O

9. Simple Future Tense

Aktif : S + will not + V1 + O

Pasif : S + will be + V3 + by + O

10. Future Continuous Tense

Aktif : S + will + be + V1-ing + O

Pasif : S + will + be + being + V3 + by + O

11. Future Perfect Tense

Aktif : S + will + have + V3 + O

Pasif : S + will + have + been + V3 + by + O

12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Aktif : S + will + have + been + V1-ing + O

Pasif : S + will + have + been + being + V3 + by + O

13. Simple Future Past Tense

Aktif : S + would +  V1 + O

Pasif : S + would + be + V3 + by + O

14.   Future Past Continuous Tense

Aktif : S + would + be + V1-ing + O

Pasif : S + would + be + being + V3 + by + O

15.   Future Past Perfect Tense

Aktif : S + would + have + V3 + O

Pasif : S + would + have + been + V3 + by + O

16.   Future Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Aktif : S + would + have + been + V1-ing + O

Pasif : S + would + have + been +being + V3 + by + O

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

1. Materi tentang passive voice

2. Materi tentang passive voice

3. Materi tentang passive voice


Detil Jawaban

Kelas: 9

Mapel: B.Inggris

Bab: Passive voice

Kode: 9.5.3

Kata Kunci: Passive voice, active voice

12. The the police A.have arrested B.have been arrested C.was arrested D.had arrested E.has arrested

C. was arrested

#maap kalo salah :v

Jawab: B. Have been arrested
Karena kalimat Present Perfect => Passive
S + Has/Have + been + V3 + by (agent)
=> The robbers have been arrested by the police
(Para perampok telah ditangkap oleh polisi)
Menggunakan have karena Subjek “the robber(s)” jamak
Semoga Membantu

13. the the police a.have been arrested b.have arrested c.was arrested d.had arrested e.has arrested

Jawabannya adalah was arrested Cjawabanya A. have been arrested

14. -The thief stole the paintings -he was arrested by police Di ubah ke Relative Clause

the thief who stole the paintings was arrested by police

maaf kalo salah

15. mn was arrested at his house…"" his refers to a house belongs to


it belongs to The man who was arrested


"HIS HOUSE" Berarti rumah itu adalah milik pria yang ditangkap tersebut


16. The police . . . The thief A. Have arrested B. Has arrested




17. The company … accountant was arrested last week has gone bankrupt.

Jawaban : The company OKEZONE accountant was arrested last week has gone bankrupt.Translate Ke Indonesia :Perusahaan OKEZONE akuntan ditangkap minggu lalu telah bangkrut.

The company’s accountant was arrested last week has gone bankrupt.

18. chords gitar lagu barat yg enak

coba high and dry nya radioheadwhen your gone kalik


a.was lower


artinya lebih rendah

maaf salah


20. The policeman arrested the thief The thied arrested the policeman


apa yang ditanyakan????

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