Paper Towel Absorbs Water Physical Or Chemical Change


Paper Towel Absorbs Water Physical Or Chemical Change

Paper Towel Absorbs Water Physical Or Chemical Change

What is a Physical Change?

A physical change is a change of a substance from one physical form to another without changing its chemical composition. Examples of physical changes include changes of state (such as melting, freezing, and vaporization), phase transitions (such as condensation and solidification), and changes in size or shape (such as cutting or breaking).

What is a Chemical Change?

A chemical change is a change of a substance from one chemical form to another. Chemical changes involve a chemical reaction, in which one or more substances are transformed into new substances with different chemical properties. Examples of chemical changes include combustion, rusting, and digestion.

Does Paper Towel Absorbs Water Cause a Physical or Chemical Change?

When a paper towel absorbs water, it is a physical change. The paper towel does not undergo a chemical reaction, but rather it absorbs the water into its pores and swells up. The paper towel does not change its chemical composition, it only changes its shape and size.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Does each of the following describe a physical change or a chemical change.


1. "Melting an ice cube." This describes a physical change because the ice cube is changing from a solid to a liquid, but its chemical composition is not changing.

2. "Burning a piece of paper." This describes a chemical change because the paper is reacting with oxygen to produce heat, light, and ash, which are all different substances than the original paper.

3. "Cutting an apple into slices." This describes a physical change because the apple is being physically altered (cut into slices) but its chemical composition is not changing.

4. "Mixing vinegar and baking soda." This describes a chemical change because the vinegar (an acid) and baking soda (a base) are reacting to produce carbon dioxide gas and water, which are different substances than the original vinegar and baking soda.

5. "Freezing water to make ice." This describes a physical change because the water is changing from a liquid to a solid, but its chemical composition is not changing.

2. memasak telur termasuk physical atau chemical change?


Memasak telur termasuk chemical change

3. apa maksud dari physical change dan chemical change ??? please dijawab lagi butuhhh bangettttt

perubahan fisika : bisa kembali ke wujud semula
perubahan kimia : perubahan yang sulit/tidak bisa kembali ke wujud semulaperubahan fisika dam perubahan kimia

4. pengertian the physical,chemical,and biotic conditions surrounding an organism

Kalimat tersebut dapat di artikan : kondisi secara fisik,kimia dan biotik dari organisme sekitar

5. What are the differences between chemical and physical changes ?

Physical changes are changes that occurred does not change the composition of the substance or morbidly changes pose new properties.

The chemical changes are changes that lead to the formation of a new compound.chemical changes is a process that will make a thing cannot change anymore
physical changes is a process that will make a thing can change into a new changing
may my answer can help you

6. This change mostly produces new products; like gases, odour/smell, etc. This is a ... a. Chemical Changes b. Mixtures c. Physical Changes d. Pure Substance


This change mostly produces new products; like gases, odour/smell, etc. This is a ...

a. Chemical Changes

b. Mixtures

c. Physical Changes

d. Pure Substance

[tex] \: [/tex]


c. Physical Changes

[tex] \: [/tex]


[tex]{\boxed{ \tt \: \red{the \: notion \: of \: physical \: changes}{ }}}[/tex]

Physical changes are changes that occur in a substance or matter without the formation of new substances. so physical changes are changes that produce new products.

7. the........absorbs large amounts of water from undigested food

the mineral absorbs large amounts of water from undigested foodmenyerap air dalam jumlah besar dari makanan yang tidak tercerna. smoga bermanfaat

8. Change of matter which does not produce new material isO Physical ChangesO Chemical changes​


o Physical


ilove jesus


O Physical Changes



9. HOW TO WASH HANDSSteps1. (.....) your hands with warm water.2. Apply soap3. (...b... ) for 20 seconds4. Rinse your hands5. (.....) your hands with paper towel6. Use paper towel to turn off faucet.​

1. Wet

3. Ruk your hands

5. Dry

10. Jika kamu berkemah di hutan. Sebutkan masing-masing dua perubahan fisik (physical change) dan perubahan kimia (chemical change) yang kalian temukan saat sedang berkemah disana?

aku tidak tau kan aku tidak pernah berkemah di hutan physical change ketika kita sedang menggergaji kayu

chemical change ketika kita menyalakan api unggun

11. What is physical change?​


A physical change is a type of change in which the form of matter is altered but one substance is not transformed into another.

12. Tolong Dijawab Hari Ini Dikumpul MakasihA. Identify The Following As Being True Or False To The Left Of The Sentence- ___ 1. A Change In Size Or Shape Is A Physical Shape- ___ 2. Chemical Change Means A New Substance With New Properties Was Formed.- ___ 3. An Example Of A Chemical Change Is When Water Freezes - ___ 4. When Platinum Is Heated,Then Cooled To It's Original State, We Say This Is A Physical Change - ___ 5. When Milk Turns Sour,This Is A Physical Change Because In Odor Does Not Indicate A Chemical Change- ___ 6. When Citric Acid And Baking Soda Mix,Carbon Dioxide Is Produced And The Temperature Decrease,This Must Be A Chemical Change.​


1. correct

2. correct

3. wrong

4. correct

5. wrong

6. correct


kalo chemical properties itu sifat kimia

sedangkan physical properties ini sifat kimia yang

aspek dari suatu objek atau zat yang dapat diukur atau dipersepsikan tanpa mengubah identitasnya. Sifat fisik dapat berupa sifat intensif atau ekstensif.


maaf kalo salah

14. A physical change is easily reversed,true or false?

antara true atau false

15. What is the different between physical change and chemical change? Explain. tolong dijawab dengan cepat ya kak, makasih :)


perubahan fisika adalah:perubahan yang tidak menghasilkan materi baru

perubahan kimia adalah:perubahan yang menghasilkan materi baru


maaf kalau salah

jangan lupa follow

jadikan jawaban terbaik


Perbedaan sifat fisika dan sifat kimia :

Sifat adalah keadaan yang mencirikan suatu zat atau materi. Setiap zat atau materi memiliki sifat fisika dan sifat kimia.

Sifat fisika

Sifat fisika adalah perubahan yang dialami suatu benda tanpa membentuk zat baru. Sifat fisika dapat diamati tanpa mengubah zat-zat penyusun materi tersebut. Sifat fisika antara lain:

Wujud zatWarna zatKelarutanDaya hantar listrikKemagnetanTitik didih dan titik leburSifat kimia

Sifat kimia adalah perubahan yang dialami suatu benda yang membentuk zat baru. Sifat kimia adalah ciri-ciri suatu zat yang berhubungan dengan terbentuknya zat jenis baru. Sifat kimia antara lain:

Mudah terbakarMembusukMudah meledakBerkaratBeracun.

semoga membantu ^^

maaf kalo salah :)

17. Explain the process of Physical digestion and chemical digestion ?

While mechanical digestion involves physical movements, such as chewing and muscle contractions, chemical digestion uses enzymes to break down food.

18. absorbs water and minerals is function of the


Absorbs water and minerals is the function of the "Plant roots" (Maaf jika salah)



Root / Akar


Akar yaitu salah satu organ tumbuhan yang memiliki fungsi utama yakni untuk menghisap air dan garam mineral dari dalam tanah. ... Akar mempunyai bagian luar yang terdiri dari daerah pertumbuhan akar, tudung akar, dan bulu akar.


The root is one of the plant organs that has the main function of absorbing water and mineral salts from the soil. ... The root has an outer part consisting of the root growth area, root canopy, and root hair.

19. give one difference between a physical and a chemical change?

•perubahan fisika adalah perubahan zat yang tidak menghasilkan zat baru
•perubahan kimia adalah perubahan zat yang menghasilkan zat baru

• Physical changes are changes in substances that do not produce new substances
• chemical changes are changes in substances that produce new substances

• Physical changes are changes in substances that do not produce new substances
• chemical changes are changes in substances that produce new substances

20. Exercise 2:Classify each as a physical or chemical change.Explain each answer.a) When limestone is heated carbon dioxide andcalcium oxide result.b) Digesting a candy bar.c) Copper can be drawn into thin wires.d) Ripening of fruits.e) Ice floats on water​


Latihan 2:

Golongkan masing-masing sebagai perubahan fisik atau kimiawi.

Jelaskan setiap jawaban.

a) Ketika batu kapur dipanaskan karbon dioksida dan

hasil kalsium oksida.

b) Mencerna batang permen.

c) Tembaga dapat ditarik menjadi kabel tipis.

d) Pematangan buah.

e) Es mengapung di atas air

jawabannya yang A

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