Cube Root Of 200


Cube Root Of 200

What is the Cube Root of 200?

Cube Root Explained

The cube root of a number is the number that needs to be multiplied three times in order to equal the original number. For example, the cube root of 8 is 2, because 2 x 2 x 2 = 8.

Cube Root of 200

The cube root of 200 is 5, because 5 x 5 x 5 = 125.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Find the cube root of 8000.



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Jawab Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

8000 x 8000 x 8000

= 64.000.000 x 8000

= 512.000.000.000

Maaf Kalau Salah

Semoga Membantu

Jadikan Jawaban Paling Cerdas YA!!!!



2. find cube root of ³√4913, ³√3375, ³√8000, ³√2197, ³√15,625​


³√4913 = 17

³√3375 = 15

³√8000 = 20

³√2197 = 13

³√15,625​ =25

Semoga Membantu

3. Find the cube root of 1728 by prime factorisation


Find the set of prime numbers that, when multiplied together, give  

1728 .

2 ⋅  2 ⋅  2 ⋅  2 ⋅  2 ⋅  2 ⋅  3 ⋅  3 ⋅ 3

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4. The face area of a cube is 484 cm2. The surface area of cube is ….



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

surface area = 6 × face area

= 6 × 484

= 2904cm²

5. Kalo U = √x+1 berarti 3√x+1 = berapa U? 3√ = cube root


A. 3125^{\frac{2}{5}} + 1296^{\frac{1}{4}}-256^{\frac{3}{8}}3125 5 2 +1296 4 1 −256 8 3

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf y kalau salah

6. a cube has side length 12 cm. determine the volume of cube​


1728 cm ^3

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

volume = sisi pangkat 3

12^3 = 1728

7. apa b.indonya cube root

Akar kubik ... Maaf jika salah

akar pangkat tiga
maaf kalau salah

8. The volume of a piece of glass cube is 1728 cm³. Find the length of side of the cube!

[tex] \sqrt[3]{1728} = 12cm[/tex]
length of side
[tex]s = \sqrt[3]{1.728} \\ s = \sqrt[3]{ {12}^{3} } \\ s = 12cm[/tex]

9. The volume of Cube A is 64cm3. The length of cube B is twice the length of cube A. Find the volume of cube B. piw kka can you help this?

Soal dapat diterjemahkan menjadi :

Volume Kubus A adalah 64 cm³. Panjang rusuk kubus B adalah dua kali panjang rusuk kubus A, maka volume kubus B adalah [tex]512[/tex] cm³

Diketahui :

Kubus A dan Kubus B

[tex]\text {V}_\text A[/tex] = 64 cm³

[tex]\text {s}_\text B[/tex]  = [tex]2 \times \text {s}_\text A[/tex]

[tex]\text {s}_\text A[/tex]  = rusuk kubus A

[tex]\text {s}_\text B[/tex]  = rusuk kubus B

Ditanyakan :

Volume kubus B

Jawab :

Rumus volume kubus adalah [tex]\boxed {\text V = \text s^3}[/tex], untuk s adalah panjang rusuk kubus


Cara 1

Volume kubus A

[tex]\text {V}_\text A[/tex] = 64 cm³

⇔ [tex]\text {V}_\text A[/tex] = [tex](\text {s}_\text A)^3[/tex] = 64 cm³

Volume kubus B

[tex]\text {V}_\text B[/tex] = [tex](\text {s}_\text B)^3[/tex], dengan syarat [tex]\text {s}_\text B[/tex]  = [tex]2 \times \text {s}_\text A[/tex], didapat :

⇔ [tex]\text {V}_\text B[/tex] = [tex](2 \times \text {s}_\text A)^3[/tex]

⇔ [tex]\text {V}_\text B[/tex] = [tex]2^3 (\text {s}_\text A)^3[/tex]

⇔ [tex]\text {V}_\text B[/tex] = [tex]8 \times 64[/tex]

⇔ [tex]\text {V}_\text B[/tex] = [tex]512[/tex] cm³

∴ Jadi volume kubus B adalah [tex]512[/tex] cm³

Cara 2

[tex]\text {V}_\text A[/tex] = 64 cm³

⇔ [tex]64[/tex] = [tex](\text {s}_\text A)^3[/tex]

⇔ [tex](\text {s}_\text A)^3[/tex] = [tex]64[/tex]

⇔ [tex]\text {s}_\text A[/tex]    = [tex]\sqrt[3]{64}[/tex]

⇔ [tex]\text {s}_\text A[/tex]    = [tex]\sqrt[3]{64}[/tex]

⇔ [tex]\text {s}_\text A[/tex]    = [tex]4[/tex] cm

Panjang rusuk kubus A = 4 cm

Panjang rusuk kubus B adalah : [tex]\text {s}_\text B[/tex]  = [tex]2 \times \text {s}_\text A[/tex], maka

[tex]\text {s}_\text B[/tex]  = [tex]2 \times \text {s}_\text A[/tex]

⇔ [tex]\text {s}_\text B[/tex]  = [tex]2 \times 4[/tex]

⇔ [tex]\text {s}_\text B[/tex]  = [tex]8[/tex] cm

Volume kubus B,

[tex]\text {V}_\text B[/tex] = [tex]( \text {s}_\text B)^3[/tex]

⇔ [tex]\text {V}_\text B[/tex] = [tex](8)^3[/tex]

⇔ [tex]\text {V}_\text B[/tex] = [tex]512[/tex]  cm³

∴ Jadi volume kubus B adalah [tex]512[/tex] cm³

10. the side of the cube is 5,8 cm ,find the volume of the cube​



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11. If the volume of the cube is equal to the surface area of ​​the cube, the length of the edge of the cube is ... cm *


6 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

soal :

Jika volume kubus sama dengan luas permukaan kubus, panjang sisi kubus adalah … ?

jawab :

[tex]volume \: kubus = luas \: permukaan \: kubus[/tex]

[tex] s \times s \times s = 6 \times s \times s[/tex]

[tex]s = 6 \: cm[/tex]

jadi, panjang sisi kubus tersebut adalah 6 cm

12. Gimana caranya nemuin: • Area, perimeter dan circumference of circle.• Square root dan Cube root. • GCF dan LCM. Ini b. Inggris y. Ak gk tau b. Indonesianya.

area = luas
perimeter = keliling
circumference of circle = keliling (khusus untuk istilah lingkaran)
square root = akar pangkat dua/ akar kuadrat
cube root = akar pangkat tiga/ akar kubik
GCF = the greatest common factor/ FPB (faktor persekutuan terbesar)
LCM = the least common multiple/ KPK (kelipatan persekutuan terkecil)

Cara mencari luas & keliling bergantung pada bangun ya.
Keliling lingkaran = 2πr atau 2πd (r = jari-jari, d = diameter, π = 3,14 atau 22/7)

Semoga membantu :)

13. apa bahasa indonesianya cube root

akar pangkat tiga
maaf klw slh

14. the volume of the cube is 512 cm3.what ITS length of one edge of the wooden cube​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]l = \sqrt[3]{512} = 8cm[/tex]

15. Y varies as the cube root of (x+3) When the x=5, y= 1 Find the value of y when x=340

[tex]{\bf{Solution}} \\ y=n\sqrt[3]{x+3} \\ 1=n\sqrt[3]{5+3} \\ 1=2n \\ n=\frac{1}{2} \\ {\rm{If :\ x=340}} \\ y=\frac{1}{2}\sqrt[3]{340+3} \\ y=\frac{1}{2}\sqrt[3]{343} \\ y=\frac{1}{2}\times 7 \\ y=\frac{7}{2} \\ \blue{\boxed{y=3.5}}[/tex]

16. The surface area of a cube is 864 cm2. The volume of the cube is …

Let the edge of the cube be 1 cm.

Total surface area of the cube = 864 cm²

6L² = 864 cm²

I² = 864/6 = 144

I =

[tex] \sqrt{144} [/tex]

= 12 cm

Volume of the cube = I³= (12)³ = 1728 cm³

Thus, the volume of the cube is 1728 cm³

17. Hasil dari 3 square root of 176 minus square root of 144 adalah.... A 2square root of 11

3√176 + √144 = 3√(16 . 11) + 12 = (3)(4)√11 + 12 = 12√11 + 12 = 12(1 + √11)

18. the volume of a cube is 343cm³.calculate the total surface area,in cm²,of the cube

[tex] \sqrt[3]{343} = 7[/tex]
[tex]6 \times {7}^{2} = [/tex]
[tex]294 \: cm^{2} [/tex]

19. WuizzIf the cube has sides of 54 cm Maka : → Cube Volume ? → Perimeter of the Cube? ​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

>> If the cube has sides of 54 cm >> Jika kubus memiliki sisi 54 cm

dit :

→ Cube Volume ?

→ Perimeter of the Cube?

V = s × s × s

= 54 × 54 × 54

= 2.916 × 54

= 157.464 cm³

K = 12 × s

= 12 × 54

= 648 cm

Math bangun ruang~________________________


Volume = s³

V = 54×54×54

V = 157.464 cm³

Keliling = 12×s

K = 12×54

K = 648 cm


Kubus adalah salah satu bangun datar yang sisinya terbentuk dari persegi yang sama panjang.

Ciri-ciri kubus

Semua sudut nya siku²

Memiliki 6 sisi berbentuk persegi

Memiliki 8 titik sudut

Memiliki 12 rusuk sama panjang

Rumus volume kubus

V = s³


K = 12×s

Luas permukaan Kubus

Lp = 6 × s²

Detail jawaban~

Mapel = matematika

Tingkat = sd

Kata kunci ="bangun ruang" "volume kubus" "kubus" "Keliling Kubus"

20. Cube A has a volume of 4913 cm^3 and cube B has a volume of 2744 cm^3. How much wider is cube A than cube B


cube A



cube B



✨cube A is 3cm more than cube B

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